15. vitia 174 colonists middle engineering school social work bureau health house hotel "agrokomerc" enterprise "morava e epërme" 16. kaçanik 70 colonists school "vëllazëria - old kaçanik motel "kalaja" 17. klina 7 colonists summer ...
The same author, in a later work of his (1866), underlined that the River of Morava was the one that divided the Albanian land from the Slavonic one, emphasising that the Albanians had an incontestable majority in Fusha e Kosovës and ...
Erdhën nga Klina, Prishtina, Vushtria, Mitrovica e nga Skënderaj. Në Galicë, edhe pse nuk ishte lajmëruar, po grumbulloheshin njerëz. Varri ishte hapur. Njerëzit po prisnin në heshtje. Ishte një varrim i pazakonshëm. ...